--- title: "Getting started with colorhcplot" author: "Damiano Fantini" date: "February 19, 2018" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Getting started with colorhcplot} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) ``` The `colorhcplot` package is a convenient tool for plotting colorful dendrograms where clusters, or sample groups, are highlighted by different colors. In order to generate a colorful dendrogram, `colorhcplot()` function requires 2 mandatory arguments: `hc` and `fac`: * `hc` is the result of a `hclust()` call * `fac` is a factor defining the grouping The number of leaves of the dendrogram has to be identical to the length of fac (i.e., length(hc$labels) == length(fac) has to be TRUE). Also, the optional `colors` argument (if supplied) has to have a length of 1 (single color) or equal to the length of the levels of `fac`. ## Install ```{r first install, eval=FALSE, include=TRUE} install.packages("colorhcplot") library(colorhcplot) ``` ```{r gooo, eval=TRUE, include=FALSE, echo=FALSE} library(colorhcplot) ``` ## Example 1: using the USArrests dataset The first example is based on the USArrests dataset and compares the results of the standard `plot` method applied to a hclust-class object and the output of `colorhcplot()`. The use of simple arguments is illustrated. ```{r first example, fig.align='center', fig.width=7.2, fig.height=4.5} data(USArrests) hc <- hclust(dist(USArrests), "ave") fac <- as.factor(c(rep("group 1", 10), rep("group 2", 10), rep("unknown", 30))) plot(hc) colorhcplot(hc, fac) colorhcplot(hc, fac, hang = -1, lab.cex = 0.8) ``` ### Example 2: use the "ward.D2" algorithm and the UScitiesD dataset The second example is based on the UScitiesD dataset. Here we show how to specify custom colors for the `colorhcplot()` call, using the `colors` argument. ```{r second example, fig.align='center', fig.width=6.5, fig.height=4} data(UScitiesD) hcity.D2 <- hclust(UScitiesD, "ward.D2") fac.D2 <-as.factor(c(rep("group1", 3), rep("group2", 7))) plot(hcity.D2, hang=-1) colorhcplot(hcity.D2, fac.D2, color = c("chartreuse2", "orange2")) colorhcplot(hcity.D2, fac.D2, color = "gray30", lab.cex = 1.2, lab.mar = 0.75) ``` ## Example 3: use gene expression data The third example is based on a sample gene expression dataset, which is included in the `colorhcplot` package. This illustrate how to use `colorhcplot()` for exploration and analysis of genomic data. ```{r thirs example, fig.align='center', fig.width=7, fig.height=4.5} data(geneData, package="colorhcplot") exprs <- geneData$exprs fac <- geneData$fac hc <- hclust(dist(t(exprs))) colorhcplot(hc, fac, main ="default", col = "gray10") colorhcplot(hc, fac, main="Control vs. Tumor Samples") ``` ## SessionInfo ```{r session Info, fig.align='center', fig.width=7, fig.height=4.5} sessionInfo() ```